Verena - a friend of mine and an user experience designer from Artefact (Seattle) - recommended to me a book called "Selling Usability - User experience infiltration tactics" by John S. Rhodes published in 2009.
I would strongly recommend reading this book if you are responsible for Usability/User Experience in your company and you want that your organization cares or cares more about usability.
The book consists of 40 small chapters (each 3-6 pages) and it's easy and entertaining to read. Especially the headlines of the chapters (and the related comments) made me smile ... for example "Designers & Developers: These Bees Give You Honey" or "Teams: What Mama Didn't Tell You".
Even if not everything mentioned in this book can be applied to your situation, everybody will find some good hints where he can start within the organisation.
Best wishes from sunny Vienna,